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Fountain pen
Fountain pen Fountain pen
Fountain pen Fountain pen Fountain pen

$28.00 $28.00

Tintenpatronen Set (5 stk)

$3.50 $0.00 $3.50

Fountain pen in a black background
Metal body
Crafted with a sturdy and heavy body, this pen provides a satisfying weight that enhances your grip and writing control.
Ink converter and ink cartridge for fountain pens
Ready to write
As well as accepting standard cartridges, every pen comes included with an ink converter allowing for limitless colorful possibilites.
Closeup of a fountain pen nib
Smooth writing
Enjoy a frictionless, seamless writing experience. With multiple nib sizes available, you have the freedom to tailor your writing style to perfection.
Worldwide shipping
Your purchase is protected with our 30-day return policy
All our products are covered by a 1-year international warranty

Steel casing, ABS grip,
stainless teel nib

14.35 x 1.27 x 1.27 cm

30 g

colored explosion fountain pen

Rediscover the way you write

Experience the beauty of simplicity combined with vibrant colors every time you pick up our fountain pen.

Dive into our curated color palette. From subtle to bold, there's a fountain pen tailored for every mood and occasion.

Extra Fein



In den Warenkorb


30-tägige Rückgabe

Mehrfarbiges Set


Mit einem robusten und schweren Körper gefertigt, bietet dieser Füller ein angenehmes Gewicht zum schreiben.


Neben Standardpatronen ist jeder Füller mit einem Tintenkonverter ausgestattet.

Sanftes Schreiben

Mit mehreren verfügbaren Federgrößen haben Sie die Freiheit, Ihren Schreibstil perfekt anzupassen.

Weltweiter Versand

Ihr Kauf ist durch unsere 30-tägige einfache Rückgaberegelung geschützt.

Alle Füller sind durch unsere zertifizierte 1-Jahres-Garantie abgedeckt.


Akzeptiert Standard-Internationale


1 Jahr Garantie auf alle unsere Füller


30-tägige problemlose Rückgabe & Rückerstattungen


Extra Fein (0,35 mm)
Fein (0,5 mm)
Mittel (0,65 mm)


Stahlgehäuse, ABS-Griff,


14,35 x 1,27 x 1,27 cm


30 g

Entdecken Sie das Schreiben neu

Entdecken Sie das Schreiben neu in perfekter Harmonie aus modernem und farbenfrohem Design.

Tauchen Sie ein in unsere kuratierte Farbpalette. Von lebendig bis dunkel, ein Füller für jede Stimmung.

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I’m a pen lover. And I’ve lost VERY expensive fountain pens before, taking them with me places.
I happened across this company while looking for exactly this- a reasonably priced pen that I could carry with me.

- Christina H.

I was pleasantly surprised by these pens! Smooth writers and feel comfortable in my hand.

- Melissa K.

These are such wonderful pens!!!❤️❤️ I just love mine!

- Tammy C.

Absolutely adore all three of my pens. They have the satisfying scritch of fountain pens, but they write smooth and precisely.

- Ricki S.

I took a shot on these. They're 🔥. I also ordered wrong and they'd cancelled and refunded my original within an hour. Super cool.
I prefer lid clips but they feel really great and they have weight but aren't heavy. Feel really good in your hand

- Emma E.